English translated by loveminho.com
SS501 had the concert ' ASIA TOUR CONCERT IN SEOUL’ at Olympic Gymnasium # 1 in Seoul at 7:00 on August 1st. This is the first since they debuted 4 years ago.
At the concert, the casts of 'BOF' which was ended with high popularity, Lee Min Ho, Koo Hye Sun and Kim Bum have shown up.
They visited it to cheer on KHJ who acted together in the drama
While three of them sat together and friendly chatted one another, they looked very pleased to gather with each other after a while.
Another member of F4, Kim Jun couldn't join it due to his musical performance 'The March of Youth' to begin at 8:00 p.m
(so KB & LMH arrived ahead of KHS...
looks like LMH reserved the seat and anxiously waiting for KHS)
This is what BOF fans are waiting for..
seeing the cast together again (especially MinSun)

Besides KB and KHS haven't seen each other since the Japan BOF promo last April
so perhaps they can sit beside each other for some catching up to do....
unless it just comes naturally (or an old habit) that LMH & KHS sit together? ;P

(notice how he looks at her)

Now where did MinSun go after the concert: :P
Flowerpot's Analysis:
hey might not have talked inside but at the beginning of the video, Minho was really waiting for Hyesun to come out and i don't know if i'm being paranoid but in the middle i somehow sense their staff trying to block them from view unobtrusively.... The end part was quite blurred but did they share a car together? wahahaha! My wishful thinking!

I felt that in the paparazzi video, Minho was surprised that somebody was outside photographing them... If fan accounts are true that they only stayed for an hour in the concert, i am presuming that they know that the parking lot will be near deserted at that time since everyone is still inside so i think they purposefully timed their exit at that time to create the less commotion...
I also noticed how Minho and Hyesun just seemed to be directly talking to each other in the video and that the PD was just standing by... Even Bummie was just loitering about not joining in on their conversation... So if it is a concern among the group or if it was a conversation between friends, why aren't the others listening in?
Minho's attention just shifted away from Hyesun to the PD when he pointed to the camera ... the fact that he was also just waiting for her seemed to be soooo telling... The staff were just milling around along with Bummie and they all went into action the moment the camera was seen... Look at how they all went to cover them when Minho looked directly at the camera..
Look at the bottom pictures, how they were directly talking to each other... in the bottom left picture, the PD was looking straight ahead while MinSun's eyes are on each other starting to converse already... and on the bottom right picture Minho was telling something while the PD looked as if he was just acting as a stand by...
So all of these really seem so fishy to me... and that van! Dang that van is a puzzle to me... i feel that Hyesun was also inside but it was sooo blurred... how i wish i have one of those CSI machines that mysteriously sharpens pictures so i can decode this mystery... hahaha!
Could it be that Minho was asking Hyesun why she's not wearing THEIR bracelet? hahaha!
But it seemed to be playful flirting to me anyway i look at it... as if they were in public and can't really do anything much that would not be on the front pages the next day so Minho playfully nudged Hyesun and she nudged him back before turning serious again... Look at how Hyesun's arm was practically on top of his in the encircled photo and the next picture shows his picture now on top of hers... As if they are wrestling as to whom should take the top place... hahaha!Also, notice the way Hyesun stares at him in the topright picture caught in a split second from the flash of a camera... to me it looks like she's so concerned... like she's asking him if he's okay and reassuring him everything's gonna be alright..
credits: flowerpot@soompi, loveminho + as labeled, leeminhohvn/mewo13131313/hawkerman2@youtube.com
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