Certified MinSun "Trail Seeker"

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concurrently a contributor in "Feeding My Addiction to Boys Before Flowers" and "World of MinSunerz" blog.

Friday, October 16, 2009

#8. MinSun Beginnings

I miss watching BOF so I made this MinSun MV showing
my favorite MinSun's sweet and funny BTS/NG moments.

Part of the English Translation from susamerica@soompi.com for the Caledonia BTS:

GHS: It is just that my feet hurts…

LMH: because you were on your heels for so long..

GHS: That is why I am using this candle to massage my feet (she is rolling her feet on a large red candle.) If they find out that I am using their candle, I am dead. Oh, maybe it belongs to the hotel?

LMH: You are not leaving that candle in this room, are you? (he uses honorifics to HS) (laughter)

GHS: Look at noona’s feet. (she stops candle rolling and shows him her feet) They are so much darker from tan.

LMH: They are still white.

(I can’t hear very well here. But they are talking about the tans on their arms. GHS is saying that she really got tanned as she has the lines of different color on her arm. She holds up MH’s hand to carefully observe that MH does not have the lines that differentiate the tan from original color on his hands. Therefore GHS says MH’s arms are just naturally tanned already.They both laugh.)

GHS: Joonpyo ya(she mumbles something here—seems sweet and cute but can’t hear!)

LMH: (fixing his clothes) I want to be white too… (GHS smiles looking at MH.)

Film ends.


More from susamerica:

Their last conversation seems to be about something insignificant, trivial.and unrelated. Yet the way they were talking together revealed, at least to me, so much warmth, comfort and support for each other. They appear to be really good friends—two people who can turn to each other just to let off some steam and talk about nothing so well and so easily?

I have a feeling that they were commiserating with each other about the difficulties and the hardship of filming BOF. As LMH said about GHS in his interview—they seem to have that certain unexplainable connection when they converse.

When GHS was talking about why she was rolling her feet on the candle, MLH finished the sentence for her so easily and effortlessly. These are just my thoughts. You might see something else. Interestingly, I did not sense any sexual attraction between them—just that nice and easy warmth of good friendship. Kind of toasty and oh so comfortable….love friends like that….


  1. Kimchi's MV # 8 : MINSUN BEGINNINGS

    One music video worth keeping by Lee Min Hoo and Goo Hye Sun! A memoir worth showing to their future sons and daughters, worth viewing soon as their hairs turn gray.

    For this is more than diamonds and pearls and all the material wealth in this world... a tangible testimony of love. This priceless treasure of memories time can never erase is worth a lifetime. A chapter of MinSun's heyday in showbiz.
    Need i say more?

  2. Very well said, Nutty!

    Actually one MV is not enough to showcase the special connection that MinSun have shown during BOF filming. There are so many precious MinSun moments captured thru the lens but I have only selected just a few of these that I will truly cherish.

    My wish for MinSun is to keep in their hearts what brought them closer in BOF and to value the experience more than just a part of a project that they did in the past but something that will bring smiles on their faces by merely recalling thru memory or better yet thru the photos and vids made specially for them .

  3. Very true kimch. In fact, countless special connections if we're to consider their private moments together they both only know and have documented. I would dare to say, it's a big blunder if lmh & ghs don't keep and cherish these memories. BOF brought a permanent dent, a significant turning point, a miracle in their lives . Which symbolism should'nt be taken for granted.

    But i think both have declared in interviews they will never forget the immeasurable meaning BOF has brought into their lives. Afterall, a gift from God is sacred.
