English Translation from susamerica@soompi.com:
[아시아경제 고재완 기자]= Asia Economy News by Reporter Ko Jae Whan
Headline: '꽃보다 남자' 멤버들이 다시 뭉쳐 우정을 과시했다.
Headline: BOF members again got together to share their friendship.
이민호, 김범, 구혜선 등은 지난 21일 김준이 출연하는 뮤지컬 '젊음의 행진'을 단체 관람했다. 이날은 김준이 석달 동안의 공연을 마무리하는 날이었다.
LMH, KB, GHS together attended the musical "March of Youth" whose cast includes Kim Joon, on the 21st of October. That particular day was Kim Joon's last day of performance after three months.
'꽃남' 이후 살인적인 스케줄을 소화하고 있는 세사람은 김준의 마지막 무대를 빛내주자는 의견을 모으고 김준에게는 알리지 않은 채 공연장을 깜짝 방문해 김준까지 놀라게 했다.
After BOF, murderous schedule kept the three BOF members very busy. However, GHS, KB and LMH talked with each other to go and support KJ on his last day at the musical. They did not even inform KJ ahead of time and truly surprised him.
(I just love BOF friendship! May it last forever!!)
After BOF, murderous schedule kept the three BOF members very busy. However, GHS, KB and LMH talked with each other to go and support KJ on his last day at the musical. They did not even inform KJ ahead of time and truly surprised him.
(I just love BOF friendship! May it last forever!!)
세 사람은 두시간 남짓 진행된 공연 동안 객석을 꽉메운 관객들과 함께 호흡하며 자리를 지켰고, 공연이 끝난 후에 대기실을 찾아 김준을 격려했다. 오랜만에 한자리에 모인 만큼 네 사람의 뜨거운 우정을 느낄 수 있는 훈훈한 시간이었다는 후문.
It was reported that the three people sat among the tightly packed audience for two hours to enjoy the show. After the show, they all went to the waiting room for the performers to look for KJ and to warmly congratulate him and to catch up with each other. It was also reported that the four people talked in the atmosphere of warm friendship.
It was reported that the three people sat among the tightly packed audience for two hours to enjoy the show. After the show, they all went to the waiting room for the performers to look for KJ and to warmly congratulate him and to catch up with each other. It was also reported that the four people talked in the atmosphere of warm friendship.
한 편 마지막 공연을 마친 김준은 "바쁜 일정 가운데 공연을 소화하느라 부족한 점이 많았다. 석 달 남짓 되는 시간 동안 관객들, 팬 여러분들과 함께 할 수 있어서 행복했다. 힘들었지만, 막상 공연장을 떠나고 나면 허전해질 것 같다"고 소감을 전했다.
KJ reports that, "My performance has lots of inadquacies as I was trying to juggle so many things at once. But I really felt happy to perform for the last three months in close proximity to the audience. It was hard but, now that it is over, I am sure I will miss it."
뮤지컬 속에서 교생과 김공부 역을 맡아 열정을 쏟았던 김준과 박윤화는 다시 티맥스 멤버로서 활동한다. 티맥스는 23일 베트남으로 출국하는 것을 시작으로 홍콩, 싱가폴, 일본 을 방문하는 등 밀렸던 해외 일정을 소화할 예정이다.
Both KJ and Park Yoon Hwa of T-Max performed for the musical for the three months and now will return to their T-Max activities. T-Max is planning to leave for Vietnam on the 23rd and making a tour to Hong Kong, Singapor and Japan.
KJ reports that, "My performance has lots of inadquacies as I was trying to juggle so many things at once. But I really felt happy to perform for the last three months in close proximity to the audience. It was hard but, now that it is over, I am sure I will miss it."
뮤지컬 속에서 교생과 김공부 역을 맡아 열정을 쏟았던 김준과 박윤화는 다시 티맥스 멤버로서 활동한다. 티맥스는 23일 베트남으로 출국하는 것을 시작으로 홍콩, 싱가폴, 일본 을 방문하는 등 밀렸던 해외 일정을 소화할 예정이다.
Both KJ and Park Yoon Hwa of T-Max performed for the musical for the three months and now will return to their T-Max activities. T-Max is planning to leave for Vietnam on the 23rd and making a tour to Hong Kong, Singapor and Japan.

Min Ho is handing Hye Sun a drink..love it!
(finally a photo of MinSun sighting)
Info from new guest:new guest: "Good News! HS,MH and Kim Bum watched Kim jun's musical performance tonight(few hours ago) together same as ss501 concert."
new guest: according to audience,they went out middle of perf. bcs of fans I think.
new guest: there is no photo yet. they said they are not allow to take a photo during the perf. it's not offial so we can't see it. but it's true.
newguest: kimch, it's finished 20-30 minutes ago.HS,MH and KB watched musical and they met with KJ after the show and went back.
newguest: kimch, i read it HS,MH and KJ gallery in korean site. it's not sure they finished the show or not.
newguest: "yes i'm from korea. that's why i could this info almost real time i also looking forward to MH 's interview abt his love or marriage."
newguest: nutty, they finished the musical and went back already.
newguest: nutty, bcs the show finished abt 1hour ago. the other audience saw that they(MH.HS.KB) left the theater.
newguest: tracy, No. but there is HS,MH,KJ,KB fan cafe(gallery) so we can get the news bcs today is the last day of KJun's show so many KJ's fan went there.
newguest: oh!!!! i just saw the pic seatting is same as ss501 concert. KB-MH-HS

credits: newguest for the infos + liediemkieu/pinkfairy/susamerica@soompi.com/DC for the photo, asiae.co.kr/news
new guest: according to audience,they went out middle of perf. bcs of fans I think.
new guest: there is no photo yet. they said they are not allow to take a photo during the perf. it's not offial so we can't see it. but it's true.
newguest: kimch, it's finished 20-30 minutes ago.HS,MH and KB watched musical and they met with KJ after the show and went back.
newguest: kimch, i read it HS,MH and KJ gallery in korean site. it's not sure they finished the show or not.
newguest: "yes i'm from korea. that's why i could this info almost real time i also looking forward to MH 's interview abt his love or marriage."
newguest: nutty, they finished the musical and went back already.
newguest: nutty, bcs the show finished abt 1hour ago. the other audience saw that they(MH.HS.KB) left the theater.
newguest: tracy, No. but there is HS,MH,KJ,KB fan cafe(gallery) so we can get the news bcs today is the last day of KJun's show so many KJ's fan went there.
newguest: oh!!!! i just saw the pic seatting is same as ss501 concert. KB-MH-HS

As the perfect, heaven - matched couple dates in public once more...
ReplyDeleteAgainst all odds, love finds its way.
A delightful sweet surprise, an all - encompassing euphoria!
For who else can thrill the showbiz world right now than the LMH-GHS magic?
For the adoring fans, this sight of LMH-GHS togetherness sparks in the hearts a blend of joy, contentment, and fulfillment as the realization of a long cherished and fondest dream unfolds!
Indeed, words are inadequate to describe and capture this jubilation. A celebration of praise and thanksgiving to the heavens that we, fans, wish to share to our MinSun. Cheers!