Certified MinSun "Trail Seeker"

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concurrently a contributor in "Feeding My Addiction to Boys Before Flowers" and "World of MinSunerz" blog.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Funny Fan Note on MinSun @ BOF Premium Event in Japan

(MinSun's identical facial expression..why so serious?)

From shaz@soompi.com:

An account from a Japanese fan

具惠善或金俊在回答问题时,敏浩一直作出好象抓虫子的动作 笑
When Hyesun or Joon were being asked some questions, Minho was seen to be doing a strange action.

As if he was catching worms in the air (laughs) <== not sure it's meant that Minho laughed or fan laughed 然后在采访结束后,主持人问敏浩在干吗时
After the interview, the host asked Minho what he was doing.

Minho answered that he was trying to get rid of dust particles flying in front of Hyesun.

Of course all this was said in Korean

We're so starved for something from Japan i thought I should put it up. I presume Minho must have been on Hyesun's side when the interviewing went on.

Also the fan must have been too distracted by Minho's actions to remember who (HS or KJ) was being interviewed. haha...

Catching dust for her?!

A presumably harmless action but it puts me right at ease that everything is A-OK with them.

credits: shaz@soompi.com, blog.crooz.jp + as labeled

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