
English Translation from susamerica@soompi.com:
파격 드레스를 입지 않은 구혜선의 코디가 오히려 화제다.
GHS who is not wearing a dress (to the event) is creating more the news.
구혜선은 10월 8일 오후 부산 해운대구 수영만 요트경기장에서 열린 ‘제14회 부산국제영화제’ 개막식에 참석해 레드카펫을 밟았다.
On October 8th, Goo Hye Sun walked the red carpet of the 14th Busan International Film Festival opening ceremony, which took place at the Busan Hae Woon Dae Beach's Soo Yong Man Yacht Racing Arena (?).
특히 구혜선은 단정한 정장에 페도라 모자를 쓰고 나서 눈길을 끌었다. 어찌보면 매우 단순한 의상이지만 오히려 이런 점이 대중들의 눈을 사로잡은 것. 파격적인 노출이나 스타일의 드레스를 입고 나선 다른 여배우와 비교됐기 때문이다.
GHS's simple attire with fedora hat especially drew people's attention. Compared to other actresses who wore exceptionally stylish dresses, GHS's simplicity actually captured the attention of the greater mass.
구혜선은 부산국제영화제 뿐 아니라 여러 행사에서 드레스보단 편안한 의상을 입고 모습을 드러냈다. 2007년 SBS '연기대상'을 제외하곤 드레스를 입은 적이 거의 없다.
As seen at this BIFF event, GHS tends to prefer more comfortable than stylish attire to various public events. The last time she wore a dress to an event was for 2007 actors award show.
We all learned from the clip on MTV's Girls on Top program that GHS does not really like to dress up fancy. Her "codi's" usually have to persuade her to do so. GHS can be very stubborn and not easily swayed to follow other people's ways.
구 혜선의 한 측근은 "구혜선이 평소에도 고가의 의상이나 트랜디한 패션에 큰 관심을 가지지 않는 편이다. 명품에도 큰 관심이 없고 실용적이면서 예쁜 의상을 선호한다"며 "겉으로 보이는 외면보단 편안하면서도 개성을 드러낼 수 있는 옷을 선호한다"고 전했다. 또 "타인의 눈을 크게 의식하지 않다보니 오히려 자신이 가진 개성을 잘 드러내는 것 같다"고 덧붙였다.
One GHS's close associate states,"On a day to day basis, GHS does not really concern herself too much with pricy or trendy fashion. She does not really care for valuable accessories either. She prefers practical yet pretty clothes." "Instead of the ostentatious, she prefers comfortable yet uniquely individual style." "She demonstrates her individuality much more clearly as she does not pay too much atteniton to other people's watchful eyes."
In a way, this should not be a big surprise to all of us. GHS seems to be consistently down to earth and does what she wants to do no matter what other people may think of her. I think she does care about what other people may think of her---but mostly about her work itself rather than how she may look on the outside. Her value system seems to be different from other standard actresses in terms of "looking glamorous".
That makes her more a director and artist than a pure actress. She is more about genuine relationship with others including the mass public as who she truly is inside and out, both good and bad and perfect and imperfect. It really takes guts to be one's true self in an industry that is exceptionally judgmental and critical-----that is what I do admre about this young woman of soon to be only 25yo."
한편 이날 개막식에는 사회를 맡은 배우 장미희와 김윤석과 피아니스트 백건우를 비롯해 국내외 유명 배우와 감독, 예술인들이 대거 참석했다.
At this event, besides the MC's, actress Jang Mi Hee and Kim Yoon Suk with pianist Baek Gun Woo, many internationally famous actors, actessses and directors participated.
개막작 및 폐막작은 배우 장동건 한채영 이순재 고두심 등이 출연하는 '굿모닝 프레지던트' 와 중국 첸 쿠오푸 감독의‘바람의 소리’로 각각 선정됐다.
'Good Morning, President' starring Jang Dong Kwon, Han Chae Young, Lee Soon Jae and Ko Doo Shim was presented for the opening movie and 'Sound of the Wind" directed by China's Chen Kuoff finished off the event.
프랑스 누벨 이마주 영화의 거장 장 자크 베넥스 감독, 일본의 유키사다 이사오 감독, 할리우드 스타 조쉬 하트넷 등이 레드카펫을 밟았다.
France's Nouvelle Imajoo Movies' Master Director Jean Jacque Benecks (sp??), Japan's Director Yukisada Isao, and the Hollywood star Josh Hartnett and more walked down the red carpet.
부산국제영화제는 개막식을 시작으로 오는 16일까지 해운대와 남포동일대 극장가에서 역대 최다인 70개국 355편의 작품을 상영, 영화팬들을 맞는다.
PIFF will be open until the 16th of October showing 70 countries' 355 movies and welcome all movie fans. The screening will take place at both Hae Woon Dae and Nam Po Dong Il Theatres.
GHS who is not wearing a dress (to the event) is creating more the news.
구혜선은 10월 8일 오후 부산 해운대구 수영만 요트경기장에서 열린 ‘제14회 부산국제영화제’ 개막식에 참석해 레드카펫을 밟았다.
On October 8th, Goo Hye Sun walked the red carpet of the 14th Busan International Film Festival opening ceremony, which took place at the Busan Hae Woon Dae Beach's Soo Yong Man Yacht Racing Arena (?).
특히 구혜선은 단정한 정장에 페도라 모자를 쓰고 나서 눈길을 끌었다. 어찌보면 매우 단순한 의상이지만 오히려 이런 점이 대중들의 눈을 사로잡은 것. 파격적인 노출이나 스타일의 드레스를 입고 나선 다른 여배우와 비교됐기 때문이다.
GHS's simple attire with fedora hat especially drew people's attention. Compared to other actresses who wore exceptionally stylish dresses, GHS's simplicity actually captured the attention of the greater mass.
구혜선은 부산국제영화제 뿐 아니라 여러 행사에서 드레스보단 편안한 의상을 입고 모습을 드러냈다. 2007년 SBS '연기대상'을 제외하곤 드레스를 입은 적이 거의 없다.
As seen at this BIFF event, GHS tends to prefer more comfortable than stylish attire to various public events. The last time she wore a dress to an event was for 2007 actors award show.
We all learned from the clip on MTV's Girls on Top program that GHS does not really like to dress up fancy. Her "codi's" usually have to persuade her to do so. GHS can be very stubborn and not easily swayed to follow other people's ways.
구 혜선의 한 측근은 "구혜선이 평소에도 고가의 의상이나 트랜디한 패션에 큰 관심을 가지지 않는 편이다. 명품에도 큰 관심이 없고 실용적이면서 예쁜 의상을 선호한다"며 "겉으로 보이는 외면보단 편안하면서도 개성을 드러낼 수 있는 옷을 선호한다"고 전했다. 또 "타인의 눈을 크게 의식하지 않다보니 오히려 자신이 가진 개성을 잘 드러내는 것 같다"고 덧붙였다.
One GHS's close associate states,"On a day to day basis, GHS does not really concern herself too much with pricy or trendy fashion. She does not really care for valuable accessories either. She prefers practical yet pretty clothes." "Instead of the ostentatious, she prefers comfortable yet uniquely individual style." "She demonstrates her individuality much more clearly as she does not pay too much atteniton to other people's watchful eyes."
In a way, this should not be a big surprise to all of us. GHS seems to be consistently down to earth and does what she wants to do no matter what other people may think of her. I think she does care about what other people may think of her---but mostly about her work itself rather than how she may look on the outside. Her value system seems to be different from other standard actresses in terms of "looking glamorous".
That makes her more a director and artist than a pure actress. She is more about genuine relationship with others including the mass public as who she truly is inside and out, both good and bad and perfect and imperfect. It really takes guts to be one's true self in an industry that is exceptionally judgmental and critical-----that is what I do admre about this young woman of soon to be only 25yo."
한편 이날 개막식에는 사회를 맡은 배우 장미희와 김윤석과 피아니스트 백건우를 비롯해 국내외 유명 배우와 감독, 예술인들이 대거 참석했다.
At this event, besides the MC's, actress Jang Mi Hee and Kim Yoon Suk with pianist Baek Gun Woo, many internationally famous actors, actessses and directors participated.
개막작 및 폐막작은 배우 장동건 한채영 이순재 고두심 등이 출연하는 '굿모닝 프레지던트' 와 중국 첸 쿠오푸 감독의‘바람의 소리’로 각각 선정됐다.
'Good Morning, President' starring Jang Dong Kwon, Han Chae Young, Lee Soon Jae and Ko Doo Shim was presented for the opening movie and 'Sound of the Wind" directed by China's Chen Kuoff finished off the event.
프랑스 누벨 이마주 영화의 거장 장 자크 베넥스 감독, 일본의 유키사다 이사오 감독, 할리우드 스타 조쉬 하트넷 등이 레드카펫을 밟았다.
France's Nouvelle Imajoo Movies' Master Director Jean Jacque Benecks (sp??), Japan's Director Yukisada Isao, and the Hollywood star Josh Hartnett and more walked down the red carpet.
부산국제영화제는 개막식을 시작으로 오는 16일까지 해운대와 남포동일대 극장가에서 역대 최다인 70개국 355편의 작품을 상영, 영화팬들을 맞는다.
PIFF will be open until the 16th of October showing 70 countries' 355 movies and welcome all movie fans. The screening will take place at both Hae Woon Dae and Nam Po Dong Il Theatres.
[최은영의 패셔니스타]레드카펫 세대교체…'한예슬' 최고vs'구혜선' 최악
[Choi Eun Young's Fashionista] Red Carpet Shift in Generation....'Han Ye Seul' best vs 'GHS' worst
10/09/2009 by 이데일리 SPN 최은영 기자 euno@ eDaily's Choi Eun Young
구혜선 = GHS
한예슬이 이번 부산국제영화제 최고의 패셔니스타였다면 구혜선은 최악의 패션으로 워스트드레서의 불명예를 안았다.
If Han Ye Seul was the best dressed at PIFF, GHS received strong criticism as the worst dressed.
구 혜선은 이번 영화제에서 블랙진에 넥타이, 화이트 셔츠 차림으로 레드카펫을 밟아 평가단을 경악케 했다. 배우가 아닌 감독 자격으로 행사에 참석한만큼 매니시한 느낌을 강조하려 한 것으로 보이나 옷 입기의 기본인 T.P.O(시간, 장소, 상황)를 깡끄리 무시한 스타일로 예의를 갖추지 못했다는 게 워스트드레서 선정의 가장 큰 이유다.
GHS walked the red carpet wearing black jeans, necktie, white shirts and greatly astonished the fashion experts. Although GHS looked as if she wanted to appear 'man-ish' in order to emphasize her attendance as a director rather than an actress, she was chosen more as the worst dresser because she failed to follow the common courtesy or appropriate manner when attending such an event (i,e, Time, Place and Situation/O?)
평가위원들은 구혜선에 "어느 누가 블랙진 차림을 레드카펫 룩으로 보겠는가"라며 "중성적인 느낌을 강조하고 싶었다면 턱시도 팬츠 등 다른 방식을 취할 수도 있었을텐데 스타일을 떠나 영화제의 격조를 무시하고 예의를 갖추지 않은 점이 무엇보다 실망스럽다"고 꼬집었다.
The Fashion and Event experts expressed their disappointment at GHS stating that if she really wanted to emphasize the androgenous look, she should have thought of wearing more suitable tuxedo pants than black jeans.
I had no patience to read the whole article but I think they only commented on the femal actors and their attires. What about the men, especially the directors like Lee Moung Sae who walked the carpet with GHS? He was in blue jeans and baseball cap!! Such double standards! Suggesting that she should have worn tuxedo pants is even more insulting and somewhat ridiculous! How can they say she wanted to appear 'man-ish when she ovbiously also went for the tough sexy look that could not hide her figure and beauty no matter what!
credits: susamerica/nina67@soompi.com, photo uploader@soompi + as labeled
[Choi Eun Young's Fashionista] Red Carpet Shift in Generation....'Han Ye Seul' best vs 'GHS' worst
10/09/2009 by 이데일리 SPN 최은영 기자 euno@ eDaily's Choi Eun Young
구혜선 = GHS
한예슬이 이번 부산국제영화제 최고의 패셔니스타였다면 구혜선은 최악의 패션으로 워스트드레서의 불명예를 안았다.
If Han Ye Seul was the best dressed at PIFF, GHS received strong criticism as the worst dressed.
구 혜선은 이번 영화제에서 블랙진에 넥타이, 화이트 셔츠 차림으로 레드카펫을 밟아 평가단을 경악케 했다. 배우가 아닌 감독 자격으로 행사에 참석한만큼 매니시한 느낌을 강조하려 한 것으로 보이나 옷 입기의 기본인 T.P.O(시간, 장소, 상황)를 깡끄리 무시한 스타일로 예의를 갖추지 못했다는 게 워스트드레서 선정의 가장 큰 이유다.
GHS walked the red carpet wearing black jeans, necktie, white shirts and greatly astonished the fashion experts. Although GHS looked as if she wanted to appear 'man-ish' in order to emphasize her attendance as a director rather than an actress, she was chosen more as the worst dresser because she failed to follow the common courtesy or appropriate manner when attending such an event (i,e, Time, Place and Situation/O?)
평가위원들은 구혜선에 "어느 누가 블랙진 차림을 레드카펫 룩으로 보겠는가"라며 "중성적인 느낌을 강조하고 싶었다면 턱시도 팬츠 등 다른 방식을 취할 수도 있었을텐데 스타일을 떠나 영화제의 격조를 무시하고 예의를 갖추지 않은 점이 무엇보다 실망스럽다"고 꼬집었다.
The Fashion and Event experts expressed their disappointment at GHS stating that if she really wanted to emphasize the androgenous look, she should have thought of wearing more suitable tuxedo pants than black jeans.
I had no patience to read the whole article but I think they only commented on the femal actors and their attires. What about the men, especially the directors like Lee Moung Sae who walked the carpet with GHS? He was in blue jeans and baseball cap!! Such double standards! Suggesting that she should have worn tuxedo pants is even more insulting and somewhat ridiculous! How can they say she wanted to appear 'man-ish when she ovbiously also went for the tough sexy look that could not hide her figure and beauty no matter what!
credits: susamerica/nina67@soompi.com, photo uploader@soompi + as labeled
The best fashion tip i've read since grade school { so far and till now applies } is : Never sacrifice comfort to style. Dress up to feel good. What's natural, let flow. Trying hard is a complete no no.
Most people would expect conformance to norms especially on social events such as film fests and yet GHS still choose to go against the flow and freely donned what she thinks would best symbolize the director side of her. I admire her for that.
ReplyDeleteAbout GHS being judged as worst dressed..seems like LMH didn't want her to be alone as he was also judged the same for the male category as mentioned in GHS thread - still waiting for an article on this.. At least MinSun are together in the ups and downs. :P
ReplyDeleteAt least MinSun have matching titles for their fashion statements with their white & black outfits @ PIFF.. :)